
Presentation by NAPESCO on Business Continuity Management

Download this presentation from the 4th Annual Crisis and Risk Management Kuwait Summit by Ali Hussain Asad, Head of Fire and Security at NAPESCO on business continuity management which covers incidents, impact, purpose, standards, comparisons and plan.

Presentation by OCTAL on reporting unsafe acts and conditions

Download this presentation from the 4th Annual Crisis and Risk Management Kuwait Summit by Mohammed Al Amri, HSE Manager at OCTAL which outlines the relationship between an incident and unsafe acts / conditions. Plus, factors that lead to an incident and steps to take to prevent an incident.

Presentation on emergency and crisis management by EQUATE

Download this presentation on emergency and crisis management by Sultan Redha, Emergency Response Planner, EQUATE Petroleum Company, Kuwait, and learn about the main elements in preparing for an emergency plus find out different emergency scenario preparations, support and mutual aid.