Irfan Syafi'i

Petroleum Engineering Expert
Irfan Syafii has a total of 21 years experience in oil and gas industry for both offshore and onshore operations. Started his career as a Senior corrosion engineer with Corrpro company in Asia region. Then expanding his responsibility as a Chemical engineering consultant for water flood project with Talisman Energy and continue with Pertamina as a Production superintendent. Additionally, he worked with Kuwait Oil Company for a water injection project then went to work with Schlumberger in Flow assurance engineering covering Middle East, North Africa and Latin America. Last, he worked with Aramco as senior petroleum engineer. He has a comprehensive experience in design, execute and evaluate the well treatment, production optimization, flow assurance especially for scale, corrosion engineering and microbial remedies in many type of reservoir. In 1995, he received BS degree in Chemical Engineering from Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS), Indonesia. He is also member of Society of Petroleum Engineer (SPE).

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