Avoiding Epic Failures with EDF Renewables

Avoiding Epic Failures with EDF Renewables

As companies ramp up their digital transformation efforts, it can be easy to get distracted by the latest technology fad or shiny piece of equipment. While machine learning, data analytics, augmented reality, wearable tech, mobility, and more, hold enormous potential to transform business operations, they must be adopted by users to realize the benefits.

But therein is the challenge for many companies. How do you make sure users get on board?

Start by designing for them, says Remi Raphael, Vice President of Digital Transformation at EDF Renewables North America, adding that you have one shot to make a ‘technology first impression.’

In this interview, Raphael shares some of the lessons learned from his experience on epic failures and how they’ve inspired a radically new way of engaging with the business by putting empathy with users at the forefront of digital transformation.

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