MALAYSIA OSV OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION or the acronym MOSVA was established in June, 16th 2011 with the primary objectives of providing a collective platform for expressing common industry concern and enhancing industry harmonisation for members’ interest and welfare, and to facilitate in promoting the research and development in the Malaysianisation of technical support and services, plus training and human resources development for the OSV industry.
“OSV" means any Offshore Support Vessel including Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel, Straight Supply Vessel, Anchor Handling Tug, Utility Vessel, Utility Crew Boat, Fast Crew Boat, Platform Supply Vessel, Diving Support Vessel, Mobile Offshore Production, Seismic Survey Vessel, Accommodation Work Barge, Work Boat, Pipelay Barge, Crane Barge, Well Intervention Vessel and any other vessels that support the exploration and production activities in the oil and gas industries.
MOSVA represents Malaysian ship owners, who own and operate OSVs in providing services in the maritime logistic, accommodation and maintenance facilities. MOSVA also encourages other sectors’ players, such as the financial institutions, maritime training institutions, shipyards, marine insurance and vessel classification society, which are engaged in or associated with the Oil and Gas industry, to become its associated members.