Whitepaper: Understanding Datacenters Effects on US Power Demand and Consumption
Gain critical insights into datacenter electricity consumption and understand the need for improved power usage effectiveness (PUE) metrics
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Datacenters are centralized facilities housing IT equipment for storing, processing, and distributing data. Traditionally, companies used private datacenters. Now, “cloud computing” allows access to datacenters remotely via the internet.
Expectations for US electricity demand, already on a growth trajectory, received a significant boost over the past year. Due in part to rising electricity demand from datacenters. Although many datacenter providers and customers would strongly prefer that renewables supply incremental demand, the pace of renewable additions is unlikely to keep pace with rising near-term demand. Fossil-fired generation is expected to rise to help balance the market in the near term, but beyond the near term, gas demand from power generation will be subject to more uncertainty.
In this whitepaper:
- Gain critical insights into datacenter electricity consumption
- Explore S&P Global Commodity Insights’ forecast and scenarios for incremental gas demand from datacenters by 2035
- Understand what regions and markets in the US are going to be most affected by demand from data centers
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