10 Barriers to Success in Safety Integrity Level (SIL) determination
Many high hazard process operations rely on SIL rated safety systems to ensure their safe operations. However, there are many pitfalls in determining the appropriate target SIL for a safety system. Too low a SIL leads to unsafe operations, while too high a SIL leads to expensive and difficult to manage systems. Determining the correct target SIL requires a detailed understanding of the hazardous events that the safety system is protecting against and any other protective systems that may prevent those events, or control their consequences. In simple systems the challenges for sound SIL determination are around estimating probabilities and assessing consequences â skilled tasks in themselves. Complex systems are much more challenging and understanding the relationships between protective systems, such as whether they are truly independent of each other, can be a minefield. This free webinar will outline the challenges and issues associated with good SIL determination, will cover the common techniques used to determine SILs, including LOPA, and outline 10 common pitfalls that need to be overcome for successful SIL studies. ABB Consulting has vast experience of working with high hazard operating companies across the world, conducting many types of risk assessment (HAZOP, LOPA, SIL determination etc.). The lessons learnt through ABBâs experiences will be shared in the webinar. Some of the barriers to success that will be covered are;
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