Functional Safety Management – How to achieve, compliance, integrity and regain ownership of your assets
Compliance with regulatory standards is in a demanding challenge in the oil and gas industry. When you add this to the knowledge drain that is occurring throughout the engineering world, we are at a crucial juncture in the oil and gas story. It is through the correct application of appropriate procedures such as HazOps, LOPA and testing as defined in the Functional Safety Lifecycle within IEC 61511 that we can mitigate the risks these issues pose.
Our engineering faculties are innovating to manage this increased burden whilst also mitigating the effects of a loss of knowledge and experience.In this webinar, you will see how a toolset already being used by several global majors can ensure everything from the continuity of knowledge to the requirements of how systems are captured accurately and ensure that inherent workflows are compliant regardless of the lifecycle phase.
In this webinar you will learn about:
- Optimal lifecycle management for efficient and safe systems
- Solving problems so that changes in operations don’t have to delay outputs
- The benefits of enhanced project knowledge for improved efficiency and safety within operations
Watch the FREE webinar here.