Special Report: Environment & Economics
Without software, the energy transition is going nowhere.
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Exclusive report available: Special Report - Energy & Economics
Make no mistake, the energy transition is here. We see it in action all around us, with every wind turbine and solar farm erected, and as coal plants give way to gas power or simply fade away. We see it, too, as battery storage, carbon capture and hydrogen as a fuel source inch their way toward maturity and mainstream adoption.
And while the goal of net zero is necessary, we must balance this future with the growing demand for available and affordable power today. Most energy and materials professionals agree that the energy transition is a top priority – and that software is necessary to get to net zero. Software is necessary to harness the intelligence, flexibility, and scale that future energy systems need.
GE Digital share the findings from a recent survey of more than 600 energy and materials industry professionals, including C-suite leaders.
Key takeaways from this latest report include:
- Where peers in the energy industry stand in adopting digital strategy and new technology, including predictive analytics software, remote operations software, and carbon accounting software
- Barriers to adoption and risks in scaling digital in the energy transition
- Whether senior professionals believe their organization, or their industry, is investing enough in digital solutions to overcome energy transition challenges
Download the report here to find out more.