Connected Worker Technology: “Get the Right People on the Bus”
Exclusive interview with Sean Barnes, Vice President of Corporate Operations at Nine Energy Services
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It’s easy to get excited about the potential of Connected Worker technology but much more difficult to fully realize the benefits. For every digital transformation success there are often multiple failures, especially when companies take a “technology first” approach. So how can you get more out of your Connected Worker technology?
Make sure you’ve got the right people on the bus and ensure they understand the ‘why,’ says Sean Barnes, Vice President of Corporate Operations at Nine Energy Service. “To have insight into the project so that you can provide the right feedback is important; additionally, including the appropriate levels of the workforce in the feedback loop is key right from the start.”
In this interview, Barnes offers advice on engaging with your people, the role of leadership in establishing the right corporate culture, and what’s on his radar for 2022.
Diana Davis, Oil and Gas IQ: What do you think works best when companies are getting started with a Connected Worker strategy?
Sean Barnes, Nine Energy Service: The best approach is threefold...Sign In to read in full.