Whitepaper: The People Challenge, Embracing the Trends that Hit Manufacturing in 2023
From interviews with industry thought leaders and current clients we are seeing the following trends and issues, are you?
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What is the people challenge in manufacturing?
People are the strongest and weakest link in a $12 trillion global manufacturing industry. Workforce inconsistencies cause hundreds of $billions of downtime, quality and safety losses every year. Human error is the cause of:
- 23% unplanned downtime
- 68% of defects
- 70% of safety incidents
At the same time, 71% of the value created formanufacturers comes from human knowledge and action, and 72% of factory tasks are performed by humans. Global manufacturing’s worsening skills shortage is an acute, recognised issue today.
Manufacturers urgently need new ways of upskilling workers on the job, whilst better supporting them to be agile, productive and safe.
Read the whitepaper and gain insight on the key trends emerging, what can be done to overcome them, how to assess your people strategy & its effectiveness, the connected worker platform & your people and finally Zaptic’s Connected Worker Platform.
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