Four Steps To Successful Well Integrity Management
Add bookmarkWell integrity management is more than just about reducing the risk of uncontrolled leaks and complying with legislation and regulations. Production loss, shut-ins, expensive workovers and the impact on the bottom line should also be considered in this cost-conscious, low oil price era and be an incentive in well integrity and well examination programmes.
As history shows, in the current market conditions, well integrity is of even higher importance. If we look at the distribution of upstream losses in the "100 largest losses list”, we can see that there is a significant frequency of losses either during or immediately after significant reductions in the crude oil price, and this is a global problem.
Coupled with ageing wells that are operating for longer and passed their original design life in many cases, well integrity needs to be of paramount importance. This white paper addresses these challenges, as well as providing four easy steps to achieve successful well integrity management.
In this white paper you will:
Learn why well integrity is of even more paramount importance, given the current market.
Appreciate the positive benefits a successful well integrity management system can have on your organisation.
Gain insight into the implementation of a successful well integrity management programme, a critical and evolving theme across the industry.
Follow the four steps that lead to successful well integrity management.
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