Intelligent Automation
Intelligent Automation in Oil & Gas: A Report
May 12 by Oil & Gas IQ EditorLearn how the industry is leveraging intelligent automation tools in the field and in the back office to boost their bottom line, reduce operational risk and stem the brain drain.
Live Recording: Inside Chevron’s Finance Digital Transformation
January 22 by Oil & Gas IQ EditorThis presentation was recorded live at Intelligent Automation in Oil and Gas Online Summit, September 9th, 2020
Power to the subject matter experts: Using “no-code” digital twins in the PI System for remote operations
December 01 by Craig HarclerodeIn his fourth blog in his series on remote operations during Covid-19, Craig Harclerode, global oil and gas and HPI industry principal at OSIsoft, looks at how AF is transforming the industry and empo...
How to enable effective and efficient operational support with the pervasive connectivity of remote assets
November 24 by Craig HarclerodeCraig Harclerode, global oil and gas and HPI industry principal at OSIsoft, looks at how to improve remote operational support so it can deliver self-serve, contextualized access to operational intell...
Taking a strategic journey from a tag- to asset-based data ecosystem to enable remote operational support
November 17 by Craig HarclerodeCraig Harclerode, global oil and gas and HPI industry principal at OSIsoft, explains why operators should move beyond disparate tags to be able to offer effective remote workforce support